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Green Frog

Another Balai Directive approval for our Animal Welfare Centre!

Monday 26 July 2021

We’re delighted to announce that our Animal Welfare Centre has once again been approved by the Balai Directive.

The Balai Directive sets out the conditions for the import and export of various species of animals within the EU that are not covered by other legislation. The Directive is in place to trace the movement of animals and to ensure that facilities are free from disease and have adequate isolation and biosecurity measures in place.

To gain approval, the inspection is carried out by a veterinary officer from the Animal Plant and Health Agency (APHA). The inspection includes a check of all animal welfare facilities (Main Site and ENVSA) and a comprehensive look at documentation covering movement records, protocols, isolation and veterinary programmes. There’s also a meeting with staff and our exotics vet.

Following our ‘in person’ inspection at the end of June, the Animal Welfare Team has now received the official documentation granting approval for the year.

Dean Sharman Frost, Animal Welfare Centre Manager said:

“Maintaining high standards in the Animal Welfare Centre is always our top priority, and we will never get complacent about this. The inspector was keen to highlight our high standards of cleanliness, animal welfare, enrichment and enclosure design, and we received no recommendations which was great to hear.
I’d like to give a special shout out to Kayleigh Dunkley who organised and led the inspection this year. Kayleigh is meticulous in her record keeping and ensuring that all that we do at the Centre meets the requirements of the Balai directive.”

Our Animal Welfare Team work incredibly hard throughout the year to ensure that the high standards of industry and Balai expectations are continuously met.

Dean added:

“I’m delighted that our Animal technicians continue to push for excellence and meet these high expectations in what has been a difficult year for all. This latest Balai approval is testament and thanks to their hard work.”

Click here for more information about our Animal Welfare Centre and courses.