Tuesday 22 December 2020
TASS Dual Career Accreditation
We are excited to announce our successful Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme (TASS) Dual Career Accreditation at Moulton College.
The accreditation means that talented athletes in a wide range of disciplines can be assured that they will get the support and flexibility they need to be able to balance their studies at Moulton with their training and competition schedules.
As a teaching team our staff are utilising our knowledge as current and former elite athletes to run a wide range of sessions including support sessions with topics ranging from anti-doping to time management and sessions specifically for our talented female athletes.
As part of our commitment to the Dual Career Accreditation, additional staff will go through the TASTE course to become additional Dual Career Coordinators at the College, enabling us to support a wider range of talented athletes whilst maintaining the quality of the support available.
The TASS accreditation applies to both our further education and higher education / degree courses.
For more information about the TASS Dual Career Accreditation please visit their website or watch the video below.