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Faye Williams - Vice Principal for Curriculum & Quality

Faye Williams - Vice Principal for Curriculum & Quality

Meet Faye Williams, our Vice Principal for Curriculum & Quality who started in June 2022.

Faye started her career in Further Education at Milton Keynes College where she started as a Sport Science lecturer, and left as an Assistant Principal. She then moved to Canada for 6 months, before returning to the UK and working at The Bedford College Group as Director of Adult & Community Education before coming to Moulton in 2022. Faye's focus at Moulton is on Curriculum and Quality for all Curriculum areas.

Faye likes to get outdoors in her spare time and enjoys paddleboarding, walking and gardening.

It's difficult to pick just one thing I love about working at Moulton so here’s my top 3...
1. Working with great staff with amazing specialist experience and expertise, I learn something new every day.
2. Seeing our students “in action” when they are demonstrating their practical skills always really inspires me.
3. The beautiful Moulton site especially on a sunny day, you just can’t beat it!

Faye Williams