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Essential Skills Pathway


Study mode Full time
Location Moulton
Level Entry Level 1
Start date Sept 2025
Duration 1 year
Awarding body Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement

Designed for young people who have attended special schools or who have not attended mainstream education in the past supported learning students have access to an exciting range of specialist resources at the College.

This course is designed to give you a stepping stone to college life and starts the journey of study for Life and Work Skills at Moulton College.

You’ll be learning in small groups, led by a lecturer and supported in the classroom by our friendly Learning Support Assistants. You’ll get to stay in the same group for all of your subjects, apart from the vocational module, where you will be mixed with another group of students doing the same level.

You will learn about all of our vocational subjects:

  • Animal Care
  • Gardening and Floristry
  • Farming
  • Land-Based Skills

Once you’ve been able to experience these different subjects, this will help you to make a decision on which vocational area to take forward into Entry Level 2.

You will get to take part in a wide range of learning environments including cooking classes, first aid, travel training and enrichment activities. All these will help you to learn more about Preparing for Adulthood as you will learn Home Skills, Looking after yourself, Being Safe in the Community and Work skills.

Your Maths and English will be part of your Preparing for Adulthood lessons and will focus on relevant areas such as money, making lists, reading labels and time.

You will spend one day on vocational options in the various vocational areas of the College and craft based activities around each vocation.

The other two days will be spent undertaking your Preparing for Adulthood sessions.

Supported Learning have rooms at the Pitsford and Main Site areas of the College.

There is supervision at all times but students are encouraged to use the coffee shop or canteen for meals so will be in contact with other students in college.

The work you undertake within lessons will be assessed by lecturers at the time and you will be given verbal and written feedback.

This course can lead to the Entry Level 2 Introduction to Work and Life Skills course or alternative provision.

There are no formal qualifications required, but you will need to attend an interview to identify your interests and support needs.

You will be involved in growing vegetables throughout the year, which you will use in recipes later in the year. We are also looking at how we can overhaul the disposal of food waste in our cookery lessons, considering different options so that we can introduce a new sustainable approach.

This is my classroom

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