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Bus Map 2019 20 2019 10 09

Getting to College

Over 1,000 students use our transport network to get to College.

We organise and coordinate a network of over 25 minibuses and coaches, transporting students to our Moulton campus from across Northamptonshire, Leicestershire, Cambridgeshire and Buckinghamshire.

Our service also runs to our Vocational Skills Academy in Higham Ferrers, from a large number of pick-up points.

Booking your seat on the bus

When you apply for your course just let us know if you want to use our bus service and we will make all the arrangements. Bus pick up points are reviewed each year, depending upon demand. Whilst we cannot guarantee that we will travel to your specific location we do our best to work out the routes so that they are as accessible to as many people as possible, with a wide range of pick-up points. Please ensure that you apply for a bus place before the 31 July in the year you want to travel. Travel applications received after 31 July will be dealt with on a first come, first served basis. Late travel applications may not receive a bus pass in time for the start of term.

How much does it cost?

The cost of a bus pass is set by the County Council and it is reviewed each year. The cost also depends upon whether you are a full-time or part-time student / apprentice.

For payment deadlines and guidance see here.

Transport costs for 2024/25

The cost of a bus pass for students in the 2024/25 academic year will depend upon the relevant council for your home address. These prices have been set by the County Councils. If you are unsure which County Council is applicable to your home address check your Council Tax statement.

North Northamptonshire County Council
Full-time (3 days)Part-time (1 day) & apprenticeships
Single payment: £765Single payment: £255
Three instalments: £255 eachThree instalments: £85 each
Six instalments: £127.50 eachSix instalments: £42.50 each

West Northamptonshire County Council
Full-time (3 days)
Part-time (1 day) & apprenticeships
Single payment: £1,000
Single payment: £334
Three instalments: one of £334 and two of £333
Three instalments: one of £112 and two of £111
Six instalments: one of £170 and five of £166
Six instalments: one of £59 and five of £55

Prices for subsequent years are subject to change.

Help with Travel Costs

Students will be allocated support against their identified needs and assessment. As a rough indication the following statement could be used as an indication: if a student has a household income of less than £30,000 the College can offer a travel bursary worth up to £726.

If you are allocated a Higher Bursary award of £726 or a partial bursary of £484 towards your transport, you will be liable for the remaining amount. Payment plans are available, please contact the Transport Team for further information.

For more information about financial support and bursaries visit our Fees and Financial Support pages.

If you would prefer to use public transport to reach the College, Moulton village sits on a public service bus route that extends from Northampton to Kettering. Please note that the timings of the public bus service is not guaranteed to meet the needs of all students.

Please use the links below to find out more about public transport: